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Home-educated students

Home-educated students are welcome on all of our courses or lessons, but we can offer two specific packages:

  •  During term time, we run a special class for Home-educated students, usually on a Thursday. It covers practical activity around the stables as well as learning to ride or improving riding skills. This is a small group and students can meet others in a similar position.
    It also includes a period of free time/association, which helps students maintain or develop their social skills.
    Prices are shown in the Prices section of the above menu.
    To book, please phone 01905 831 522 or email 

  • We run City & Guilds courses, which follow the school academic year.
    These are fully-funded by the Government, so do not involve any cost for the student.
    We are an Outreach Teaching Centre for Abingdon & Witney College, but a teaching is at our own premises.
    They are usually aimed at 16-18 year-olds, in place of staying on at school, until their 19th birthday.
    But we can also offer the same course to Home-educated students from the age of 14.
    The 12 month course is a combination of practical and theoretical lessons & work, 
    Apart from providing a valuable qualification, the equine-based course can give students a great feeling of achievement as they develop their skills, as well as improving social and communication experiences.
    Brief info is given under NVQ on the menu above, and email for more details.

Feel-good courses

This course is for anybody.

  • Grooming & handling horses/ponies and just spending time with them

  • Optional riding or develop horse skills

  • Come and spend time outside with our marvellous horses and get fit horse handling with optional riding and horse skills. 


Being around ponies or horses, and doing some new practical activity can be both stimulating and therapeutic. If you haven't had much contact with horses, there is a lot to learn, but in a gentle and generally rewarding way. You can be amazed at what you can achieve, what you can learn, and how horses can help you deal with emotional concerns that you may have. 

There are many milestones around horses, and you can get a great sense of achievement, as you progress from the first contact with what is actually a large, heavy, but gentle animal, through to whatever stage you want to take it. This may be riding, which can range from a gentle walk around an arena or an outside hack, to trotting, learning to canter and, if you want, to jump. Or just stick to grooming.


Details of courses are on our Booking system (select Booking from the menu above), but we are now running the courses on Fridays 11.00 to 12.30, at the special price of £25/session.


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